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Whether you need a nanny, nanny share or camp during school breaks, NPN can help you find childcare in Chicago. Learn how to choose a great nanny, then go to the Childcare Classifieds, where parents post recos for childcare providers they love but no longer need. School-age kids have tons of options for fun, engaging camps. Don’t miss our annual Summer Camp Fair in February!
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Our two older kids are going to CPD camp but our youngest is still too young to attend. Does anybody have suggestions on Chicago camps (north side or northern suburbs) for four year old girls? Any and...
Nicole M. Soltanzadeh will provide 15% discount to NPN members for all services. ...
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Interviewing, screening and selecting potential nanny candidates can be a daunting task, but it is an important part of finding a nanny that is a good fit with your family.
Looking for a summer camp in Chicago? Use this guide to start your search and get ideas from parent recommendations.
When you need childcare at the last minute, these childcare services and babysitters in Chicago could save the day.
How to manage your and your child's emotions about the first summer at overnight camp.
Traveling with a nanny or au pair to watch your kids can be a godsend, but be sure to lay out your expectations before you leave for vacation.