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  • As a resource from parents for parents, NPN encourages members to share their experiences and expertise to a broad audience through our online content.

    Contributing articles to NPN
    We seek articles only from NPN members that offer a first-person account of a parenting issue you are dealing with or have dealt with on topics for families from pregnancy through high school.


    Topics can be, but are not limited to, the following:

    • developmental differences
    • infertility
    • newborns/infants
    • interrace/interfaith parenting
    • only children
    • school choice
    • nannies/daycare
    • pregnancy
    • work/life balance
    • breast feeding
    • toddler troubles


    Article formats can include:

    • How to talk to me about (my miscarriage, my special needs kid, etc.)
    • How I talk to my kid about (death, violence, his developmental difference, etc.)
    • How I survived (some parenting challenge)
    • The big decision (how you are struggling with or have struggled with a parenting decision)
    • An open letter to (some group or type of person you want to address regarding parenting)
    • Path to parenthood (your journey to becoming a parent, whether via IVF, adoption, surrogacy, etc.)
    • Parents of color (race-related challenges, milestones, victories, etc.)
    • #Realtalk (an unflinchingly honest account of a controversial parenting topic). 


    For article examples, check out our Articles Directory.

    Contributor guidelines and recommendations

    Review the Contributor's Agreement below and then submit an article by clicking here.

    NPN does not guarantee publication, and we reserve the right to edit articles for length, style, and content. We do not pay writers or photographers, though historically we have covered membership fees for frequent contributors.

    • Articles must be 500 words or fewer; include a headline
    • Provide a short bio on the submission form (50 words or less, doesn’t count toward your total word count)
    • Submit a high-res jpeg photo of you with your family, or one that works with your topic. You must own the rights to use this photo.
    • Include practical tips or advice that make your article useful to readers
    • Make your article very specific (unlike articles one could find on parenting websites or in parenting magazines) either because it’s very personal or very Chicago
    • Feel free to mention the value of NPN and how it helped you as a parent (which would be most appreciated!)
    • List any outside resources you have used at the end of your article so that we might embed links where appropriate
    • Please do not promote individual businesses or organizations in the text of your article. If you are a business member or affiliated with a business, you may mention it as part of your bio. Or you may submit a post under sponsored content.


    Contributor's Agreement
    By submitting an article to NPN for use in the NPN articles, you agree to the following terms:

    • I certify that I am the author or sole owner of the material I am submitting to Neighborhood Parents Network (NPN). NPN may reproduce, distribute, publish, display, edit, modify, create derivative works and otherwise use the material for any purpose in any form and on any media. I agree to indemnify NPN for all damages and expenses that may be incurred in connection with the material.
    • I understand that plagiarism is the act of submitting work that, in part or whole, includes the work of another person — work that I did not write. This includes, but is not limited to, copying words from another source without indicating in some manner (i.e., footnotes, quotation marks or some other means of reference) that these words or ideas come from a source other than myself. In submitting my work to NPN for consideration, I certify that all of my work submitted to NPN represents solely my own work and is not in any way plagiarized, in part or in entirety. I am aware of NPN's commitment to publishing only original work created by its members and I understand that plagiarism is a serious offense.
    • I understand that the NPN staff may edit my article to correspond to its editorial style as well as for length. NPN also reserves the right to decline my article due to lack of space or other editorial reasons.
    • I grant permission to NPN to use my submitted photograph(s). Photos may be reused across NPN’s platforms without notifying me. I hereby waive any right to inspect or approve the photographs or electronic matter that may be used in conjunction with them now or in the future, whether that use is known to me or unknown, and I waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising from or related to the use of the photographs. I hereby agree to release and hold harmless NPN from and against any claims, damages or liability arising from or related to the use of the photographs, including but not limited to any re-use, distortion, blurring, alteration, optical illusion, or use in composite form, either intentionally or otherwise, that may occur or be produced in production of the finished product.

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